Hand tattoo

The hand, perhaps the body part you use the most and which, along with the face, is the most visible. Naturally, this makes the hand an extremely interesting place for a tattoo. Unlike tattoos on other parts of the body, you cannot easily cover a tattoo on your hand with clothing. This makes a hand tattoo extra special, because your hand tattoo is always part of the first impression you make on people. We would like to tell you a bit more about what you need to consider when considering getting a tattoo on your hand.

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hand tattoo

Preparing for a hand tattoo

So, when you want to get a tattoo on your hand, there are a number of things to consider beforehand. As mentioned, be aware that the tattoo on your hand is always one of the first things people will notice about you and that it is difficult to cover the tattoo should a certain situation call for it. Of course, this is not a problem, as long as you have thought carefully about the design of the tattoo on your hand. As for the design, it is further advisable to opt for a more simple design. A detailed design where lines are close together will fade and become unclear over time. This is mainly the case for tattoos on your hand and especially on your fingers. The skin on your hands and fingers renews itself more often than the skin on other parts of your body due to regular and intensive use, which is why tattoos on your hand fade faster. Of course, tattoos on your hand can be touched up from time to time, but for the effectiveness of your design, it is good to keep in mind that for the hands, simple often looks better.

Something else you can also prepare for is the extent to which getting a tattoo on your hand will hurt. Of course, the experience of pain is something highly personal and is also influenced by your experience of getting tattoos. But generally speaking, getting a tattoo on your hand is a bit more painful than getting tattoos on other places on the body. The thin skin of your hand and the relatively large amount of nerves located in your hand mean that getting a tattoo on your hand can be quite sensitive. Of course, the pain only lasts for a short time and afterwards you are the proud owner of a beautiful hand tattoo.

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After getting a hand tattoo

After getting a tattoo on your hand, it is important to give your hand and your new tattoo some rest to recover. Again caused by the intensive use of your hands, your skin after getting your new hand tattoo can heal a bit less in peace than on other places on the body. Sunlight is also less easily avoided on the hands than on places on the body that are covered more often. Keep this in mind after getting your hand tattoo to enjoy your new hand tattoo as much as possible. The tattoo artist will discuss this and all other things you need to take into account when getting a tattoo on your hand in detail with you before getting the tattoo. Do you have any questions about hand tattoos or are you looking for other tattoo related information? Then don't hesitate to contact us!

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